How to Rate a Podcast: What to Look for in a Podcast

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how to rate a podcast

Podcast ratings are a key aspect of the growing medium of podcasting, as they allow both listeners and podcasters to better understand and engage with the content. By rating podcasts on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher, listeners can show their support for their favorite shows and provide valuable feedback to the creators.

This feedback can help podcasters improve their shows and reach a wider audience. So, what is it that makes one podcast worth listening to again while another is best deleted after the first listen?

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at podcast ratings, how they are determined, and what it takes to make your podcast stand out from the rest. So let’s dive in!

What Are Podcast Ratings?

Rating a podcast is the process of giving it a score out of a range of possible marks. This is usually done on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest. But what do those numbers actually mean? When you rate a podcast, what criteria should you use? These are important questions that must be taken into account when giving a podcast its due diligence.

With differences in opinions, it can be difficult to find a general consensus on what makes a “good” podcast. However, we can break down the basics of what to look for when rating a podcast. These basics can be applied no matter the podcast’s topic and will help you form your own unique opinion.

What to Look For in a Good Podcast (Criteria)

When it comes to rating a podcast, there is no definitive answer. It all comes down to what you, the listener, are looking for in a podcast. However, there are certain elements that almost all good podcasts share. If a podcast you’re listening to has these qualities, then, it’s likely a good one. Let’s take a look at some of these qualities.

Engaging Quality Content and Topic

The content itself is, of course, the most important part of any podcast. After all, if the content isn’t good, why bother listening? A great podcast will have interesting and well-produced content that keeps listeners coming back for more. The content does not only include the topics being discussed but also the way in which they are discussed.

For example, a podcast about history might discuss the same topics as another podcast about history. But if one podcast is dull and dry while the other is lively and engaging, the latter will be the better podcast.

Duration and Frequency of Episodes

Episodes of a good podcast will be of a reasonable length. This depends on the subject, but most podcasts are between 30 and 60 minutes long. Any shorter, and the podcast may feel rushed or incomplete; any longer, and it may start to drag on. The length of the podcast should be appropriate for the topic being discussed.

When it comes to frequency, a good podcast will release new episodes on a regular basis. This could be once a week, every other week, or even once a month. What’s important is that the podcast releases new episodes on a schedule that is consistent and predictable. This way, listeners will know when to expect new content and can plan accordingly.

Audio Quality

How well the podcast is recorded also plays a role in its overall quality. A good podcast will have clear audio with minimal background noise. This can be achieved by recording in a quiet environment and using high-quality audio equipment. If a podcast is difficult to listen to because of poor audio quality, it’s likely not a great one.

Good Host

No matter the topic, a good podcast will have an engaging host. The host is the face of the podcast and represents the show to listeners. A great host will be passionate about the topic, know how to keep the conversation flowing, and be able to keep listeners entertained. As good as the content can be, a bad host can make or break a podcast.

These are just a few of the things to look for when rating a podcast. Of course, there are many other factors that come into play. It’s up to you, the listener, to decide what’s most important to you in a podcast. With that in mind, you would be able to give the podcast a rating that is more accurate to your own tastes.

How to Rate a Podcast

After taking into account the different elements that make up a good podcast, you should have a better idea of how to go about rating one. When rating a podcast, it’s important to be as objective as possible. This can be difficult, especially if you’re a fan of the show or the host. But if you can manage it, you’ll be able to give the podcast a more accurate rating.

The common rating system for podcasts is one to five stars, with five being the best and one being the worst. Now, the question is: how do you actually rate a podcast you’ve listened to and felt unsatisfied with? Well, it all depends on you. But let’s take a look at each rate and what it could mean.

One Out of Five Rating

This is the lowest rating a podcast can get, and it’s usually only given if the podcast is truly terrible. If you give a podcast one star, it means that you didn’t enjoy it and wouldn’t recommend it to others. A one-star rating should only be given if the podcast is really bad and you can’t find anything good to say about it.

Two Out of Five Rating

If, after listening to a podcast, you come away feeling “meh” about it, then it’s probably only worth two stars. A two-star rating means that you didn’t like it, but there were some redeeming qualities. Maybe you liked the host or the topic was interesting, but overall you didn’t enjoy the podcast.

Three Out of Five Rating

A three-out-of-five rating can be given to a podcast that’s just average. If you didn’t love it but you didn’t hate it, then it’s probably only worth three stars. This rating is often given to podcasts that are well-produced but don’t offer anything new or exciting. You enjoyed some parts and recommended them to others. There may have been some things you didn’t like, but overall, it was a positive experience.

Four Out of Five Rating

Four out of five can be a good rating for a podcast. If you give a podcast four stars, it means that you really enjoyed it and would recommend it to others. But at the same time, you feel there can be some improvement. A four-star rating is usually given to podcasts that are well-produced and entertaining.

Five Out of Five Rating

Just like the name suggests, a 5-star rating is the highest you can give a podcast. This rating is reserved for podcasts that are truly exceptional. It is a clear indicator that you enjoyed the podcast and would highly recommend it to others. A five-star rating is given to podcasts that are well-produced, interesting, and entertaining.

On the other hand, it is possible to overhype a podcast and give it a five-star rating when it’s not really deserving. If you find yourself doing this, try to be more objective in your rating. When rating a podcast, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone has different tastes. What you may think is a five-star podcast may only be worth three stars to someone else.

Why Is Rating Important to Podcasts?

Like every other form of entertainment, podcasts are competing for your attention. There are millions of podcasts out there and only a limited amount of time to listen to them all and that is why ratings are important. Here are a few reasons why:

  • It helps a podcast to be found. Just like anything else on the internet, good ratings help a podcast to be found and rank w.
  • When someone is looking for a new podcast to listen to, they will often look at the ratings to see which ones are worth their time.
  • Ratings help podcasters to understand what people like and don’t like about their show. This feedback is essential for any podcast to grow and improve.
  • Ratings also help podcasters to understand their audience. This is valuable information that can be used to create better content and target ads.

So, those are a few reasons why ratings are important to podcasts. If you enjoy a podcast, be sure to leave a rating and review. It only takes a few seconds, but it can make a big difference.

Common Places to Rate Podcasts

With the popularity of podcasts on the rise, there are now many places where you can leave a rating and review. However, there are commonplace to rate podcasts.

Apple Podcasts (iTunes)

The most common place to leave a rating and review for a podcast is on iTunes. This is the biggest podcast directory, and it’s where most people go to find new shows.

To leave a rating and review on iTunes;

  • Open up the Podcasts app
  • Search and find the podcast you want to rate. listen to an episode for about a minute
  • Click on the “Ratings and Reviews” icon.
  • Then leave a star rating and write a review.


Spotify is one of the most popular streaming platforms, and it’s quickly becoming a go-to place for podcast listeners.

To leave a rating and review on Spotify;

  • Open the App on your device
  • Click on the search tab and find the podcast you want to rate.
  • Click on the “Episodes” tab and listen to an episode for at least one minute.
  • There bellow you will a star rating and review.
  • Leave your rating and write a review.


Stitcher is another popular podcast streaming platform with millions of users. To leave a rating and review on Stitcher;

  • Go to and find the podcast you want to rate.
  • Login or register using your email or Facebook account.
  • Click on the search bar. Look for the podcast episode and click on it.
  • You will find a review icon, then click on it
  • Leave your review with your “Review Title” and “Nickname”.

As we said above, there are numerous platforms where you can leave a rating and review for your favorite podcasts. These are just a few of the most popular ones. So, if you’re ever wondering how to rate a podcast, now you know. And, if you enjoy a show, be sure to leave a positive rating and review to help it grow.


How Do You Rate a Podcast Show?

To rate a podcast show, it is important to consider the overall quality of the recording and production, as well as any content that may be relevant to you as a listener. Additionally, looking at the ratings of others who have already listened to the show can be helpful in determining if it is worth your time.

How Do I Rate a Podcast on Apple Podcast App?

You can rate a podcast on Apple’s Podcast App by opening the show in the app, scrolling down to the Reviews section, tapping on the “rate and review” section, and giving the podcast a star rating. Also, you can leave a review to explain your rating in the “Write a Review” box.

How Do I Leave a 5-Star Review?

If you would like to leave a 5-star review, it’s important that you take the time to consider all of the aspects of the podcast you are rating. Make sure that the sound quality, production, and content are all up to your standards before you leave a 5-star rating. If you find that you enjoyed the show, be sure to leave a detailed review along with your rating to give other potential listeners an idea of what they can expect.

Can You See Who Rates Your Podcast?

Generally speaking, the ratings for podcasts are anonymous. Therefore, you won’t be able to see who has rated your podcast in most cases. However, you might be able to see the username of someone who has left a review if they have left one.

But, if you are receiving extra analytics you might be able to see who is rating and/or reviewing your podcast.

Wrap Up

If you’re a fan of podcasts, it’s important to rate and review the ones you enjoy. By leaving ratings and reviews, you help podcasters understand what their audience likes and doesn’t like about their show.

As there is no exact formula to rate a podcast, you can also take into account the different elements that make up a good podcast, such as the production quality, the content provided, and more. This feedback is essential for any podcast to grow and improve. It also helps podcasts be found by other listeners who are looking for something new to listen to.

So, the next time you finish an episode of your favorite podcast, take a few seconds to leave a rating and review. It can make a big difference!

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